

Summoned from the Void - The Rise and Fall of British Science


Has progress in basic science slowed? Why is there so much public distrust of science? Anti-science is now widespread - both religious and hardline environmentalism.

Science is now a business, not the search for the truth. Dogma is enforced on young scientists: if you want to work in astronomy, you have to believe in the Big Bang; in biology, the neo-Darwinian doctrine of genetic determinism. Dissent is stifled within the profession and recently the British government has started to persecute scientists who question its political imperatives, with fatal consequences.

Summoned from the Void describes scientific laws in an entirely new way. Based on the concept of the noumen, science can be understood in words alone. There are no equations. The purpose of science is to grasp the noumena - "thoughts that wander through eternity" (Milton) that govern everything in the world.

We have lost the magical, divine inspiration that drove the early scientists of the modern era, Isaac Newton in particular. Science is about more than "wealth creation". We have forgotten the purpose of science and how to produce great scientists. This intellectual and imaginative failure is linked to the loss of our sense of virtue.

Science has been the source of all our wealth and well-being, yet the fountain has been running dry for over thirty years. There has been no advance in basic science - the way we conceive the world - since the 1970s. Why is this, what are the consequences, and how can we hope to make progress again?


The book is available as an ebook here:  http://www.lulu.com/product/ebook/summoned-from-the-void---the-rise-and-fall-of-british-science/18887130


Also on Amazon Kindle, with a free sample to view: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007BGB1IG

